Our competitive squad has a proud history of competing at regional and national level. As a club we attend around 15 events around the country each year; covering all ability levels, from novice and divers’ first experience of a competition, to our experienced divers competing at national level. Divers who started their careers at Cambridge Dive Team have gone on to represent their country and win International and Olympic medals.
New to diving?
Want to give it a try?
Diving is a great way to improve balance, coordination and confidence, combining strength and flexibility to leap and spring into the water.
At Cambridge Learn to Dive we offer you the chance to try all this in a fun, relaxed and friendly environment through our regular weekly sessions.
Classes for chidren and adults
Come and have some fun during the school holidays!
Take a plunge during the holidays and come ‘Learn to Dive’ with our diving crash courses! The club runs children’s holiday courses during the Easter and Summer Holidays so that you can get a taste of diving and the fun to be had. These courses are aimed at ages 5-14, for beginners or those wishing to develop their existing diving skills in a fun environment.